Specializing Commercial Loans

Kingdom Financial Capital  is set-up with an affiliate program that specialize in Flexible Commercial Loans that offer the following benefits in ALL 50 STATES:

A. Loan Size: $1,000,00 - $6,000,000

B. Closing Time: 45 Day Closing

C. Location: Urban and Surban

D. Collateral: Improved commercial & investment residential real estate. NO: raw/improved land construction,gas station, car washes, or other environmentally risky properties

E. Rate: Declining Prepayment penalty 20-25yr amortization
20yr loans fixed for 2yrs, then 3yrs variable-from 7.25% 20yr loans variable for 5yrs from 8.75% 25yr loans fixed for 10yrs-from 8.29%

F. Max LTV: Up to 75% LTV depending on the loan scenario based on FIRREA compliant appraisal within past6 months.

G. Credit Score: FICO 600 with NO bankruptcy in the past 10yrs


Special Note: Due Diligent: A deposit of $5K-$6K is require after the file is evaluated. Their is no upfront fee to review the 1003, credit report, rent rolls, etc. A third party cost for the appraisal value evaluation fee which may consist of a site visit and an eye ball inspection of the facility. This is done to ensure the value of the property since the high number of MAI and other type of appraisals FRAUD in this Commercial Industry Nationwide.

However, I do have other investors that may not charge this fee & a BPO will be accepted. This third party cost will be credited to the closing cost on the HUD at closing.

Please email or call us if you need this program.